Thursday, September 10, 2009

With Myself


With Myself
When I touch my body
All I want to do at times is please myself
I caress myself, Fuck myself and always eventually make love to myself
As I touch myself I think about past lovers, future ones and even imaginary ones
Licking my sweet pussy juices off my fingertips, playfully touching my two lovely breasts
I truly become mused and divine with all this pleasure that I am giving myself
It’s no secret that when I get in this zone I cum and cum
Even harder than I eventually did before
But I only CUM for myself and only with myself
Lights go on or even off….. I set the mood
It’s my personal fuck or shall I say my own sexual freaky affair
I have become my greatest lover by far and my only true one to date
So when I am with myself it’s only a situation
That only you, I or anyone else can imagine.
By: Poetic Butterfly 

©  C.P 08/15/2009


Anonymous said...

my favorite imagery of this poem, "licking my sweet pussy juices off my fingers," dayum thats sexy. wish I were your fingers **wink**

Ulisses Reis ® said...

MY friend must be a bird,
Because it flies!
Mortal my friend must be,
Because it dies!
Barbs has it, like a bee.
Ah, curious friend,
Thou puzzlest me!

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Anonymous said...

U really had me drawn in with every word on this 1. Such vivid imagery here. I loved it! ;^) -G.B.$.

Anonymous said...

How delicious! I appreciate where you're coming from ;) Here's looking forward to reading more of your poetry over time - thank you.

Sir x

Don said...

Erotic City. Maybe I shouldn't have read this so early in the morning. Lol.